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Thoughts & Inspiration

We Walked A Lot

A journey of the body inevitably becomes a journey of the soul and spirit. We see this played out in the Lord of the Rings trilogy so well. It really is a dangerous business, stepping out your front door, for…

I Look Forward

For those of you who might not know, I am still going on the World Race: Expedition Route. The difference is, I will leave at the end of March rather than in January, giving me some extra time to gather…

Don’t Grow Up

If you know me, you know I love movies. I enjoy sitting down and allowing my ever so active brain to turn off for a few hours while I am entertained. Recently, I decided to watch a film I hadn’t…

The Stakes are High

In a moment, everything changed. With one message from a friend, I became deeply and utterly disturbed, burdened, and broken as I learned that a woman I had briefly met in the bars of Thailand had been brutally murdered. I…