
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

What Can I Do to Help?

If anything in this blog has inspired or touched you in some way, I would like to encourage you to support me. I know, that sounds so selfish and it is really difficult for me to write these kinds of posts but really, I cannot do what I am doing here in the Philippines to help these ladies without you. I need your support! When I say support, I don’t just mean financially (though that would be incredibly helpful), but I also mean in prayer and encouragement. Something I recently learned about myself is that I thrive in words of affirmation. They mean a great deal to me and so if you have any to leave for me, I always appreciate it greatly!

Financial support also means a great deal to me. Living expenses are important and being able to pour into these ladies’ lives is something I value in the deepest part of my heart. I cannot do that if I don’t have the finances to stay here. God is my ultimate provider and I look to Him for my provision. My prayer is that He will use you to meet those needs. Please prayerfully consider partnering with my in this adventure of seeing the captives go free. To support me financially, select the Support Me! tab on the left side of the home page. You will be taken to the Adventures in Missions website. There is a dropbox called “Choose a Program.” Select the “Discipleship Bases” option and then fill out the rest of the form as directed. Thank you for taking the time to invest in God’s Kingdom and hearing about what He is doing around the world. God bless you!