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It Started With a Gecko

I didn’t mean to scare it, really. I was walking into the kitchen and, as is my custom, I turned on the light (you never know what creatures you might find when that light comes on, so best to do it quickly). The moment the light came on, it started scurrying, the gecko on the counter directly across from me. It was running around, much like a child busted trying to steal the delicious cookie in the jar and is trying to escape impending punishment. Suddenly, this rather large gecko Superman dove off of the counter! When I say Superman dove, I mean his front legs were out in front of him and his intent was to create distance in his gravity defying jump. He soared through the air and landed on the floor with a loud “THUNK” and scurried away, followed quickly by the echoes of my uncontrollable laughter. That had to be one of the funniest things I have seen! This big gecko about committed suicide trying to run from the person who had just about run screaming upon spotting him! 


This gecko sparked a night filled with the sounds of laughter that echoes through the house even now. The sounds of Melissa attempting to kill a big spider as I screamed “Kill it! Make it deader than dead!!” (I can’t handle spiders, especially ones that could swallow my pinky toe without a second thought). Jokes, stories that included my hair flying back as breath accosted my face due to great emphasis on the word “poop,” many other incidents ensued as we let loose the laughter. After a week of seriousness, it was time to get silly. Laughter was the welcome friend that we had forgotten to invite over for quite awhile. He stepped into the room and handed us a gift, joy wrapped in perspective and tied neatly together with love. 


How often do we forget to enjoy life? We allow the issues of our lives to carry us away in a torrent of anxiety and joy stands on the shore holding out his hand, shouting for us to take it and live. I think it is why Jesus told us not to be anxious about anything. He always knew that if we were swept away by anxiety, it would be more difficult for us to reach joy, where abundant life lives. Joy lives in the meadow of peace and grace, and if we are being swept down the river of fear, anxiety, stress, etc., we cannot dance with joy in the meadow. I believe with all my heart that God would have us dancing, laughing freely where peace and grace can welcome us as we take in the fresh scent of love. It is beautiful isn’t it? It is the life we were born to live. 


God was inviting me to laugh about the spiders that I run screaming from, to enjoy the geckos that reside with me, and take delight in the women who share in this crazy life with me. God is inviting us to look life in the face and laugh. Life may seem like it has a poker face, but really, life looks back with respect at those who can see its harsh features and laugh with joy. It is a sign of trust. When we have joy in the seemingly joyless moments, we show ourselves, we show our enemy, we show our God that we trust Him. Proverbs 31:25 says, “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.” (ESV) It is strength when we can laugh at the future, knowing it is not ours to worry about. 

Please don’t get me wrong. My life is not horrible. I LOVE this crazy awesome life. To laugh is not unheard of for me, nor is it for the amazing women I live with. We are happy. We have a roof over our heads, food in our stomachs, and an incredible opportunity to pour into the lives of the strongest, most beautiful women we have ever known who laugh when life has tried to take every inkling of joy from them. However, there are weeks when I forget to laugh. This week I had forgotten, and God was simply reminding me.


It started with a gecko.